A one stop guide to Advanced Paediatric training in Victoria

NICU - Royal Women's Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Trainee Positions

  • 5 x full-time neonatal medical officer (NMO) positions - previously called Neonatal HMO or Registrar
    • 6 or 12 month roles available, commencing in February or August
    • Full time preferred
    • Job-share applications for 12-month positions are considered

Trainee Level  

  • These positions are suitable for the following applicants:
    • General Paediatric advanced trainees
    • Neonatal Advanced trainees requiring further experience before applying for Fellow roles
      • Time spent in this post is accredited for training with RACP for both General Paediatrics (Acute) and Neonatology - despite the name change of the role to Neonatal Medical Officer 
    •  Continuing Basic Paediatric trainees who have completed all of their time-based requirements but are still waiting to complete their exams
      • If you are a Basic Trainee who still has time requirements, please contact your DPE
    • International Medical Graduates with suitable tertiary neonatal experience (12 months) who have completed stage 2 of AMC (ie. eligible for general registration)
      • IMG's who have significant neonatal experience and are eligible for the RACP short term training (completed or within 2 years of completion of neonatal specialist training) should apply for RWH Neonatal Fellow positions (directly via the Women's recruitment site, and not via this site)
    • Unaccredited registrars who are not in the paediatric training program, but who wish to work as a neonatal registrar
    • ACEM / PEM / ICU trainees
    • GP trainees​​​​​​
  • ​​For all Fellow positions, please apply directly to Royal Women's Hospital when the job is advertised


  • For further enquiries on these positions, please contact the Medical Workforce Unit medical.recruitment@thewomens.org.au  and cc the JMS coordinator, Dr Amir Zayegh  amir.zayegh@thewomens.org.au

Staffing in the Unit

  • 20 FTE for HMO's and Registrars sharing the JMS roster (NMO roster)
  • 12 Neonatal Fellows 
  • 3 Neonatal Nurse Practitioners (NP's)
  • 14 Neonatal Consultants
  • Each NMO will have a Consultant Neonatologist nominated to be his/her mentor/educational supervisor during their employment.  Each NMO will also be nominated a Neonatal Fellow mentor.

Roster and on-call

  • NMO's work as part of a multidisciplinary team within the Neonatal Intensive and Special Care Nursery.
  • The Neonatal Medical Officers, supported by the neonatal fellows and consultants, attend high risk births and provide input for patients on the postnatal ward and babies born at the Royal Women's Hospital who return for assessment to the Women's Emergency Department.
  • Neonatal Fellows are on site 24 hours per day to provide support and clinical assistance
  • 76 hours per fortnight, with minimal rostered overtime
  • Rostered night on call is paid as per award

Education and Teaching

This position offers an extensive education program with a focus on clinical education and research; participation in quality audits and research is encouraged and supported.  


  • Classification and salary scale will be dependent on experience and will be in accordance with the AMA Victoria - Victorian Public Health Sector - Doctors in Training Enterprise Agreement (the "award")
  • Registrars are paid on the equivalent Medical Officer (MO) payscale)
  • Please direct any queries regarding pay and conditions to the site contacts


  • The Royal Women's Hospital is located in the Parkville Precinct within one kilometre of Melbourne CBD, alongside the Royal Melbourne Hospital.  There is paid staff parking available, as well as ample bike sheds on site.  There are multiple public transport options nearby.


    The Royal Women's Hospital (RWH) is Australia's leading independent specialist hospital for women dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of women of all ages and cultures, and newborn babies.  As a tertiary hospital specialising in complex pregnancies, the Women's delivers more than 9,000 babies and cares for more than 2,000 babies in our Neonatal Intensive Care (NICU) annually.  The Women's is a major teaching hospital with strong affiliations to the University of Melbourne, with research and education integral to its role.