A one stop guide to Advanced Paediatric training in Victoria

Royal Children's Hospital - Centre for Community Child Health

Trainee Positions

  • RCH Fellows in Community Child Health
    • 4 full-time positions - 12 months
    • 1 part-time position - 12 months
    • These positions are suitable for those interested in a career in community child health or trainees pursuing a general paediatric career pathway with a special interest in developmental-behavioural paediatrics.  The program emphasises strong clinical training in community and hospital settings and provides an introduction to public health and community child health research.
  • Senior Fellow in Community Child Health
    • 1 full-time position
    • This position was developed for advanced paediatric trainees interested in an academic / leadership career in community child health.  The program includes a strong public health and research component as well as a clinical component in a community setting
  • Wimmera Telehealth Fellow
    • 1 part-time position (1 half of year; Feb-July)
    • This position is developed for trainees interested in a career in Community CHild Health - espeically those interested in supporting regional/rural health, using Telehealth and virtual conferencing to provide consultation and capacity building to the local health workforce
  • Western Health Community Fellow
    • 1 full-time position
    • This position is co-recruited via the CCCH interview process.  Specific queries regarding this position should be directed to Sunshine JKWC paediatrics.
    • This position is suitable for trainees pursuing a career in community child health, or those intending a general paediatric career with a special interest in developmental-behavioural paediatrics.  It encompasses multidisciplinary paediatric assessments (including autism assessment) at Melton Community Paeds, IPC Deer Park, and Sunshine JKWC Developmental Clinics.

Trainee Level

  • Advanced Trainees only (post FRACP exams)


  • Melissa Hirst   melissa.hirst@rch.org.au  (03) 9345 5851
  • www.rch.org.au/ccch

Roster and on-call

  • These positions do not have any on-call or acute hospital work.
  • RCH Fellows may be interested in joining the RCH Night Medical Lead roster:  this can be discussed on an individual basis

Senior Staff

  • 15 VMOs working in the RCH-CCCH clinics


  • Behaviour
  • Communication
  • Development and Behaviour
  • Encopresis
  • Learning Difficulties
  • Outreach Community Clinics
  • Pathway to Good Health
  • Sleep
  • Unsettled Babies

Education and Teaching

  • Weekly VTPCCH Fellow Seminar Program
  • Weekly group case supervision
  • Weekly journal club
  • Weekly RCH grand rounds


  • As per award


    Centre for Community Child Health at RCH

    Fellowships with the Centre for Community Child Health (CCCH) offer clinical and theoretical training in developmental-behavioural paediatrics, essential for trainees who plan to specialise in Community Child Health or to work as consultant general paediatricians. 

    These roles are accredited as core Community Child Health and for core Developmental/Psychosocial training for AT General Paediatrics.

    The unit offers a supportive, collegiate environment and provides experience in assessment and management of a range of developmental and behavioural paediatric conditions within a multi-disciplinary service.  The programs provide strong clinical training in community settings via in-person and telehealth consultations.  There is opportunity to learn about public health, community child health research, and clinical leadership and advocacy.  There is a well-regarded community seminar program that includes fellows at several outer-metropolitan and regional/rural sites that provides trainees structured learning in a supportive environment.