A one stop guide to Advanced Paediatric training in Victoria

Southwest Healthcare - Warrnambool


Trainee Positions

  • 2 advanced trainees 
    • Accredited for General Paediatrics with perinatal - Rural/regional
      • For those completing 12 months, this may be accredited as either 12 months General Paediatrics, or 6 months each of General Paediatrics and Community/Developmental/Psychosocial
      • Job-share applicants are considered
    • Please note that one position is recruited as a combined role with Geelong positions for a 2 year position - the Great Ocean Road rotation, which comprises 6 months in Warnambool and 18 months at University Hospital in Geelong.

Trainee Level

  • Advanced, need neonatal experience


Roster and on-call

  • Roster 1 in 3, shared with 2 AT's, GP Paed Reg, BPT, and 2 HMOs
  • Overnight HMO in hospital for additional support on week nights
  • Weekend on-call requirements


  • 10 paediatric beds
  • 6 cot level 4 SCN (800 births per year)

Junior Staff

  • 2 HMO
  • 1 GP Registrar
  • 2 Advanced Trainee Paediatric Registrars
  • 1 Basic Trainee Paediatric Registrar

Senior Staff

  • Equivalent to 4 EFT full time 


  • Registrar has dedicated consulting room in group practice to develop own patient load and offer continuity of follow-up
  • MDT diabetes clinic fortnightly
  • General paediatric oupatients (ward and neonatal follow ups)
  • MDT Behavioural clinic
  • MDT Developmental meeting with paediatric allied health team: social work, OT, PT, ST, and complex care support nurse

Education and Teaching

  • Weekly teaching sessions:  journal club, case presentations, and practical skill sessions
  • Monthly clinical skills workshop with paediatric nursing staff
  • Teaching and presenting at local PROMPT training sessions with midwifery, obstetric and special care nursery staff
  • VicFEAT webinars
  • Weekly online Rural Child Health Module teaching sessions
  • Teaching HMO's, nursing staff, ED, and Deakin Medical students


  • As per award plus on call allowance, telephone advice allowance, call backs and overtime


  • Fully furnished accommodation will be provided - family based accommodation is on request only.  The hospital has a "No Pet" policy for accommodation.

    Warrnambool is an excellent position to take towards the end of training, providing the opportunity to develop the competencies and confidence to go on and provide unsupervised comprehensive medical care in paediatrics. There is sufficient leisure time to become involved with activities in the local community, from the performing arts/music to sports, surfing, sailing, fishing, waterskiing and the like (but no snow skiing).