A one stop guide to Advanced Paediatric training in Victoria

Monash Health - Dandenong Hospital

Trainee Positions

  • 6 x General Paediatric Registrars - 6 months or 12 months applicants welcome

    • Accredited for General Paediatrics with perinatal component

Trainee Level

  • Paediatric Advanced Trainee (post FRACP exams) 
  • Suitable for Peer Review for Specialist Pathway Recognition
  • Continuing Basic Trainee or International Medical Graduates with sufficient experience in neonatal and emergency paediatric care are considered
  • General Practice Registrars requiring advanced rural skills training in paediatrics are also welcome to apply


  • Dr Helen Wu:  yu.wu@monashhealth.org
  • Dr Melanie Pillay:  Manusaparie.Pillay@monashhealth.org  

Roster and on-call

  • 24 hour registrar cover on-site with HMO cover on day and evening shifts


  •  8 bed paediatric ward shared with medical, orthopaedic, and plastic surgery units
  • 6  bed SCN (Level 3 with 2,500 deliveries per year) which provides care for newborns >34 weeks gestation, including non-invasive respiratory support (CPAP and high flow nasal therapy) and ongoing care for the preterm and convalescence stable newborns transferred from Level 4-6 newborn services.

Junior Staff

  • 3 Residents 
  • 6 Registrars

Senior Staff

  • 4 Consultants providing inpatient and outpatient care
  • 1 consultant providing outpatient care only


  • 4 Gen Paeds clinics/wk with direct consultant supervision
  • Fortnightly Diabetes clinic with direct consultant supervision

Education and Teaching

  • Weekly Journal Club
  • Weekly Radiology meeting
  • 6-weekly M&M meeting
  • Weekly grand round
  • Weekly video-linked Monash Children's Hospital grand round
  • Simulations
  • Neurology outreach sessions


  • As per award including overtime


  • You can easily get to the hospital by car, bus, or train.  The bus stop is directly in front of the hospital

    Dandenong Hospital is part of the Monash Health network and is situated 30km south-east of Melbourne.   Dandenong is a significant migrant hub with strong diversity in culture and language.  The hospital has a comprehensive range of specialist units.

    The paediatric unit cares for a range of acute and chronic conditions.  The positions are accredited with the RACP for advanced training in General Paediatrics with a perinatal component, and also accredited by the RACP as a secondment hospital for basic trainees (rotated from the Victorian Basic Training Program.  Dandenong is also accredited for General Practice registrars to complete their advanced rural skills training in paediatrics.