A one stop guide to Advanced Paediatric training in Victoria

Royal Children's Hospital - Complex Care

Trainee Position

Complex Care Fellows

  • Preference is for 2 positions at 0.8 FTE each (4 days per week)
    • 1 x Full-time (1.0 FTE) position and 1 x Part-time (0.6 FTE) position would be considered - please contact department to discuss
  • 12 month positions preferred, but 6 months will be considered

Trainee Level

  • Advanced Trainee (post FRACP exams)


  • Dr Susie Gibb  susan.gibb@rch.org.au  (03) 9345 6868  

Roster and on-call

  • Complex Care Fellows
    • 43 hours per week for full-time; flexible hours for part-time
    • 1 weekend shift every month in Day Medical Unit
    • 4 weeks annual leave per annum
    • Opportunity to work with the Department of Neurodevelopment and Disability to provide on-call support with consultant cover 1 night/week and 6 weekends per year - for suitable applicants

Senior Staff

  • 4 consultant paediatricians 


  • Complex Care:
    • Tracheostomy clinic
    • Cleft lip and palate clinic
    • Saliva control clinic
    • Hearing impairment clinic
    • Neurodevelopment and disability clinic

Education and Teaching

  • Twice weekly patient review meetings
  • Grand round weekly
  • Gen Med meeting weekly
  • RCH CCCH Fellow seminar program weekly
  • Research opportunities and advanced training project opportunities


  • As per award 


    The Complex Care Hub at RCH supports families of children with medical complexity with care coordination, clinical advice and multidisciplinary care.

    The positions provide advanced trainees with experience and training in chronic and complex care in patients with complex neurodisability, surgical or medical conditions.  You will work closely with nursing, allied health, medical and administrative staff.

    The Fellow positions are accredited for non-core community child health training and Developmental and Psychosocial training for General Paediatrics and Subspecialty training.


    The Fellow roles require seniority, clinical maturity, and a high level of management skills.  The fellows work closely with medical, nursing, and allied health team members.