A one stop guide to Advanced Paediatric training in Victoria

Albury-Wodonga Health

Trainee Positions

  • 1 - 2 Advanced training Registrar positions (6 or 12 months)
    • Accredited for General Paediatrics with perinatal - Rural/Regional training
    • May accredit 6 months as Community/developmental training if 12 month position - discuss with site contact
  • 1 Community Paediatric Fellow (12 months preferred)
    • Accredited for Community/developmental and psychosocial training 
  • 2 x 12 month joint positions with Sunshine JKWC:
    • ​​​​​​​Sunshine JKWC General Paediatrics and Albury-Wodonga General Paediatrics with perinatal (rural).  This position will likely be on rotation from a Sunshine JKWC contract - TBC
    • This option permits you to do EITHER 6 months in each rotation OR 3 month rotations between the two sites over the 12 months so you don't need to be away from Melbourne all at once.  Please note that these options are in the preference list separately, and both are 12 month full-time positions
    • This new joint position offers a truly broad general paediatrics experience spanning metro paediatrics with extensive outpatients exposure, together with regional paediatrics including neonatal medicine.
    • Accredited for General Paediatrics with perinatal - Rural/Regional training - for time spent at Albury-Wodonga, and core General Paediatrics (without perinatal) for time spent at Sunshine JKWC.

Trainee Level

  • Registrar: Advanced or experienced Basic Trainee, post-neonatal term (usually post FRACP exam)
  • Community Fellow: Advanced Trainee 


Roster and on-call

  • Advanced training registrar participates in 6-week rotating roster with a total of 6 registrars
  • Community Fellow no on call or acute hospital work.


  • 16 paediatric beds
  • 16 bed level 4 SCN (1,650 births per year)
  • Busy Emergency Department
  • ICU keeps some children

Junior Staff

  • Total of 6 Gen Paeds registrars
    • 3 other registrars (rotating from Sydney Children's Hospital program) 
    • 1 other registrar from acute training doing Gen Paeds rotation
  • 1 resident
  • 1 community fellow

Senior Staff

  • 5 x full time VMOs in group practice


  • 3 private rooms outpatient clinics per week (Advanced trainees on rotating roster, supervised)
  • 2 hospital based outpatients clinics per week (all Registrars)
    • 1 x Paediatric Ward follow-up clinic
    • 1 x Early Neonatal follow-up clinic
  • Community Fellow: Developmental/Behavioural clinics in Community Health and Aboriginal Health service setting

Education and Teaching

  • Regular journal clubs, radiology meetings
  • Perinatal, neonatal and paediatric M&M meetings
  • Video linked grand rounds (SCH), VicFEAT
  • Victorian Rural Child Health training module program
  • Opportunity for college project completion during term


  • As per award including overtime


  • Help is provided to find accommodation for 12 month rotations
  • Must have own car

Albury-Wodonga has a population of over 100,000, is located on the Murray river downstream of Lake Hume - watersports, fishing etc. - and close to Victorian High Country and surrounded by gourmet food and wine regions of Rutherglen, Milawa, King Valley. There is a wide variety of restaurants and cafes, theatre, art galleries and cinemas. We provide paediatric services to Albury-Wodonga and surrounding areas covering acute, outpatient and community paediatrics.