A one stop guide to Advanced Paediatric training in Victoria

Peninsula Health - Frankston Hospital

Trainee Positions

  • General Paediatric Registrar position (6 month or 12 month positions)
    • General Paediatrics (with perinatal component)
    • Job-share positions are considered
  • General Paediatrics / Community Registrar (6 months in each rotation) - 12 months only
    • May be offered in either order
  • Community Registrar (6 month or 1 month positions)

Trainee Level

  • Advanced Trainee (post FRACP exams)
  • Continuing Basic Trainees considered
  • International Medical Graduates considered with sufficient neonatal and paediatric experience


  • Dr Karen O'Brien:  KarenOBrien@phcn.vic.gov.au  (03) 9784 8329
  • Kim Adams:  KAdams@phcn.vic.gov.au  (03) 9784 8329

Roster and on-call

  • Registrars participate in a 7-day rotating roster including children's ward, SCN, WHU, and ED.  The registrar also works across a variety of clinics.
  • Community Fellow will also be required to work across the above areas and participates in weekend and on-call


  • 15 paediatric beds
  • 13 bed level 3 SCN (3,300 deliveries per year)

Junior Staff

  • 7 HMOs
  • 8 Registrars
  • 3 Community Fellows

Senior Staff

  • 8 Consultant General Paediatricians
  • 4 Community Paediatricians


  • 6 x General Paediatric clinics weekly
  • Diabetes clinics

Education and Teaching


  • As per award 


    Frankston Hospital is a metropolitan health service caring for a community of 300,000 people.


    The child and adolescent unit provides family-centred care for children and adolescents.  Services include an eating disorder service, asthma education, diabetes management, and toddler support groups.