A one stop guide to Advanced Paediatric training in Victoria

West Gippsland Healthcare - Warragul

Trainee Positions

  • 3 Advanced trainee Registrars, 12 or 6 months (full time positions)
    • Accredited for General Paediatrics with Perinatal - Rural/Regional (6 & 12 month positions) and Community/Developmental and Psychosocial (6 months of a 12 month position only)

Trainee Level

  • Advanced preferred


  • Dr Sari Hayllar   sarihayllar@me.com    
  • (03) 56221500
  • Medical Workforce Operations Manager:  Hannah Downey  hannah.downey@wghg.com.au 
  • (03) 56230791

Roster and on-call

  • Mixed acute wards and private rooms with rural outreach clinics
  • Share in 24 hour on call roster equally
  • Weekends approximately 1:4.


  • 8 paediatric beds
  • 6 bed level 4 SCN (>1000 births per year)
  • busy Emergency Department - 10,000 paeds presentations per year
  • 10,000 individual rooms presentations per year (outpatients)

Junior Staff

  • 6 junior staff (including GP trainees and accredited SRMO from Victorian Basic Paediatric Training Consortium)

Senior Staff

  • 3 x full time & 3 x part time paediatricians


  • Daily clinics (supervised) while sharing ward responsibilities
  • Regular outreach clinics to Leongatha
  • On site multidisciplinary team including speech and OT
  • Opportunities to sit in during visits from tertiary subspecialists
  • Specialist school visits

Education and Teaching

  • Friday morning journal club, formal presentations of patients, education sessions and college activities such as mini-CEx and exam preparation.
  • Regular medical student teaching (with possibility to apply for conjoint academic status with Monash University) 


  • As per award plus on call allowance, call backs and overtime


  • Contact site to discuss

    The Warragul Senior Registrar (SR) position is perfect for trainees considering a career in general paediatrics, particularly if rural practice is a possibility. The SR acts as a junior consultant with their own patient load, but closely mentored by senior colleagues. They are exposed to all facets of rural and community practice as well as being able to participate in subspecialty clinics and acute paediatrics at West Gippsland Hospital.

    The West Gippsland Paediatric Group consists of 6 paediatricians working closely together in a very positive and harmonious environment, all of whom have a strong committment to training.

    The beautiful rural environment of West Gippsland within an hour of the surf, the snow, the wineries and the gippsland foodie circuit, but only 50 mins from Melbourne, is an added bonus. This job also allows trainees to see the workings of a paediatric private practice in a safe and secure environment.