A one stop guide to Advanced Paediatric training in Victoria

Central Gippsland Health - Sale


Trainee Position

  • 1 Advanced Trainee / Community Fellow - 6 or 12 months
    • accredited for 6 months General Paediatrics (rural) without perinatal
    • accredited for 6 months Developmental/Community training if completing 12 months at Sale

Trainee Level

  • Preferably Advanced Trainee (post FRACP exams)


  • Dr Mustafa Adamji   mustafa.adamji@cghs.com.au  (03) 5143 8944
  • Medical Workforce - Grace Donahue   grace.donahue@cghs.com.au  

Roster and on-call

  • Outpatient and inpatient roster with some on-call duties


  • 4 paediatric beds
  • 4 bed level 3 SCN (400 deliveries per year)
  • Non-paediatric Emergency Department (4,000 paediatric presentations/year)

Junior Staff

  • One Registrar/Fellow 
  • One Resident

Senior Staff

  • 4 x full time staff specialists providing outpatient and 24/7 inpatient cover

Clinics (that trainees can attend)

  • Clinics include: Gen Paeds, continence, respiratory, ASD diagnosis and review, Telehealth follow up, behavioural, outreach, early intervention triage, ADHD assessment and follow up

Education and Teaching

  • Seminar Program in Community Child Health 2 hours weekly (Wednesday 2-4 pm), The Royal Children's Hospital: to attend via video conference (Protected time) 
  • Friday afternoon: Self-directed learning/ training related admin time (protected time)
  • Monthly M&M,
  • Medical student & resident teaching
  • PROMPT & Neoresus (both run locally)


  • As per award 


  • Provided, walking distance to hospital

    Sale is the gateway to a number of attractions along the southern part of Ninety Mile Beach.  The small towns of Seaspray and Golden Beach directly front the pristine coastline, while Loch Sport is situated on a peninsula wedged between Lake Victoria and the ocean of Bass Strait.  The snowy mountain of Hotham is within three hours drive of Sale and is a great place for everyone to get out and enjoy the snow..  

    The Community Fellow position is an excellent opportunity to learn and fine tune the nuances of developmental and behavioural paediatrics.  The position caters for either a trainee in the Advanced program who would like a degree of autonomy, or a junior trainee who requires additional support.  We also provide an outreach indigenous clinic and a community clinic to East Gippsland that provide excellent opportunities for an Advanced Trainee.