Trainee Positions
7 full-time positions - 6 or 12 months
- Austin Health Gen Paeds / Gen Paeds with CYMHS - 12 month positions only (6 months each rotation) - 4 positions in total
- These positions may be offered in either order for the rotations and are full-time positions only
- These roles provide general paediatric medicine and child psychiatry through the CYMHS department as well as 6 months on the rotating General paediatric registrar roster
- These positions are accredited for 9 months of general paediatrics (without perinatal) and 3 months of developmental/psychosocial training
- Austin Health Gen Paeds - 6 or 12 month position - 1 position available; full time preferred, but part time considered
- This role is accredited for General Paediatrics (without perinatal) for up to 9 months
- Austin Health Gen Paeds / Mercy Hospital NICU - 12 month positions (6 months each rotation) - 2 positions in total, offered in either order.
Trainee Level
- Preferably Advanced Trainee (post FRACP exams)
- Continuing Basic Trainees and International Medical Graduates with paediatric experience will be considered
- Dr Catie Fleming:
- Claire - Paediatric Secretary - (03) 9496 3422
Roster and on-call
- General Paediatrics Registrars - 7 week rotating roster through ward day, evening, and night shifts, outpatient clinics, and paediatric emergency shifts
- Shifts for the Gen Paed with CYMHS rotation include a fortnightly Sunday shift, a fortnightly Monday evening shift - all other shifts during this 6 month rotation are day shifts
- All positions have rostered standby on call for night shifts in case of illness
- 16 paediatric beds - medical and surgical patients
- Medical areas include general paediatrics, endocrine, epilepsy, and eating disorders
- Surgical areas include ENT, orthopaedics, plastics, ophthalmology, and maxillofacial surgery
- Large Child and Adolescent mental health service with inpatient units for children, adolescents and mother-baby unit
- 6 cubicle Paediatric Emergency Department - approx 18,000 presentations per year
Junior Staff
- 9 registrars; 7 working on a rotating roater and 2 working in a combined CYMHS/paediatrics role
- 1 SRMO
Senior Staff
- 5 General Paediatricians
- 2 Endocrinologists
- 1 Paediatric Neurologist
- 4 outpatient clinics weekly - General Paediatrics and Eating Disorders
- Fortnightly diabetes clinics
- Registrars attend an average of 2 clinics per week
- CYMHS rotation includes mental health assessment clinics as part of a multidisciplinary team
Education and Teaching
- Range of exposure to mental health presentations, eating disorders management, diabetes care, and tertiary level epilepsy services
- Various timetabled teaching sessions and journal club each week
- As per award