A one stop guide to Advanced Paediatric training in Victoria

.VPAT - International Medical Graduates - Application Information

We welcome applications for doctors who have trained outside of Australia and New Zealand.   


As the processes for recognition of your qualifications and registration with the specialist college and the Australian medical board can take several months, we recommend that these processes are commenced well before applying for positions.


Please ensure you use the checkboxes in the application form to notify us where you are up to in the processes that permit you to work in Australia.

Your application for a position commencing in February can only be considered if you have:

1. already had your qualifications reviewed by the relevant specialist college in Australia 

2. already applied for medical registration with AHPRA 

3. already completed your English Language test (if required)


For Paediatrics and Neonatology, the Specialist College is the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP).  Please review their site regarding assessment of your paediatric training.

Australia | Specialist assessment (racp.edu.au)


In your cover letter, you need to indicate the outcome of the RACP assessment, and load the documentation into "Other"  

The possible outcomes are:
     -  Substantially comparable - needing Peer Review to receive your Specialist Recognition
   -  Partially comparable - needing "top-up" training, followed by Peer Review 
    -  Approval for short-term training in a medical specialty
    -  Not comparable - please note that for candidates who are not considered comparable in the specialist pathway, we cannot accept your application unless you have full General Registration with AHPRA.


You will also need to contact the Australian Health Practitioners Registration Authority (AHPRA) to obtain registration and the type of registration you hold should also be included in your cover letter.

Medical Board of Australia - International medical graduates (IMGs)


If you have not yet commenced these processes - then you should only apply for positions commencing in August

Please note that you should select "6 month job - second half" when you apply on the https://vpat.au site.  You can then liaise with the successful employer to do a 12 month contract if this works for both you and the hospital. 



    International Medical Graduates play a vital role in our health system and we welcome your application.

    Most of the positions on this site are suited to doctors who have completed specialist training and have had their qualifications assessed as substantially or partially comparable to Australian specialist training.  If you are completing your training at the moment, you may also qualify for the short-term training pathway in Australia if you are thinking of coming for just one or two years.

    We also accept international medical graduates who are not in the paediatric/neonatal training program - but they need to have significant prior paediatric and/or neonatal experience, and must satisfy the requirements for General Registration with AHPRA (it is a requirement for General Registration that you have completed both Part 1 and Part 2 of the AMC).

    Please check the websites for RACP and AHPRA to begin the processes required so your application is not delayed.